
At Brownlow Integrated College all pupils are involved in a SMART Target pupil mentoring programme. The mentoring programme is closely linked to Academic Target Setting and Tracking. Each pupil is assigned a personal teacher mentor who they meet with on a number of mentoring days per year - two mentoring days for KS3 Pupils and three mentoring days for KS4 Pupils. Normal timetable is suspended on these days to allow Mentors and pupils to meet in a relaxed setting to discuss progress, review targets and achievements and to set new Smart targets for the next session. Parents are invited and strongly encouraged to attend these sessions with their son/daughter.

Running alongside this programme Brownlow Integrated College offers an enhanced mentoring programme to a core group of pupils across all year groups. This enhanced programme allows pupils to meet regularly with enhanced teacher mentors in school to discuss progress and target set for improvement.



- One to one personal support time with a teacher mentor.

- To encourage and support pupils in reaching their full academic potential.

- To provide pupils with guidance and practical help for improving.

- To provide help on how to study.


- Strong home-school links

- Regular monitoring and tracking of pupils progress.

- To provide parents with hints and tips on how to best support son/daughter from home.

Support from our parents has been fantastic and parents, pupils and staff have very much enjoyed the one to one time together in a relaxed and positive environment. There is a real buzz about mentoring days in school and our mentoring programme has been heralded as best practice.